A book for humanity
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What I am affirming in this book is a prophecy that will be fulfilled very shortly, because I am certain about the end of the planet; I know it. I am not frightening but warning, because I am distressed about this poor Humanity. These events will not be long in coming and there is no time to waste with illusory things. - V.M. Rabolu

In all corners of the world we can find traditions and prophetic accounts regarding the end times, all of them resembling one another.

Most of these predictions warn us of great catastrophes on Earth such as an imminent pole shift, the consequent ice caps melting and the disappearing of huge areas of land due to strong earthquakes and tsunamis.

There are countless prophecies that have something in common: they talk specifically about the approach of a huge planet that comes near to us periodically. That planet would have arrived to our solar system in former occasions to unleash cataclysms that wiped out the civilizations in Lemuria and Atlantis. Now, it would come to put an end to our current civilization and thus give rise to a new era.

It is recognised in many traditions, prophecies and sacred books under different names such as: Baal, Cold Planet, Red Planet, Wormwood, Ajenjo, Hercolubus, Barnard I, and many more. Such a planet would already be visible with telescopes and its size would be about six times that of Jupiter.

In the coming and going of life, everything returns to its beginning or to its end. Thus, in our former encounter Hercolubus put an end to the Atlantean civilisation. These facts were duly narrated through all the ‘Universal Floods’ of different religions and cultures.

Many people have talked about such cosmic phenomenon. One of them was V.M. Rabolu, who inquired into the approach of that planet using the faculties of the awakened consciousness, which enabled him to research on that heavenly body. In his work titled ‘Hercolubus or Red Planet’, which is sent for free worldwide by the Alcione Association, he writes:

‘When Hercolubus comes closer to the Earth and aligns with the Sun, deadly epidemics will begin to spread over the entire planet. Neither doctors nor official science will know what sort of illnesses they are or how to cure them. They will be powerless in the face of the epidemics.’

‘The moment of tragedy and darkness will come: tremors, earthquakes and tidal waves. Human beings will become mentally unbalanced, because they will not be able to eat or sleep. In the face of danger, they will throw themselves over the precipice en masse, completely mad.’

V.M. Rabolu

V.M. Rabolu, the great Colombian researcher in esotericism, raised his voice to warn humanity about that threat. He points out that, in fact, it could bring about the end of our civilization and our culture. In his book, he teaches the method to eliminate our psychological defects and the techniques for astral projection as the only existing formulas to escape the forthcoming cataclysm.

V.M. Rabolu concludes his work by saying:

‘Dear reader: I am speaking very clearly so that you understand the need to start working seriously. Whoever is working will be rescued from the danger. This is not for you to make up theories or hold discussions, but to experience the true teaching that I am giving in this book. We can resort to nothing else.’

AlcYone Association

Non-profit organization appointed as agent-collaborator in the dissemination and distribution of the work ‘Hercolubus or Red Planet’.

Author: Joaquín Amórtegui Valbuena (V.M. Rabolú)
Publisher: Ángel Prats

The Alcyone Association is registered with the National Registry of Associations within the Ministry of Home Affairs, group 1, section 1, with national number 588698, and has its headquarters at P.O. Box 4, in the town of Burgos (España).

About the author

V.M. Rabolu (1926 – 2000)
V.M. Rabolu (1926 – 2000)

V.M. Rabolu (1926 – 2000) was born in Tolima (Colombia). In 1952 he found the true Knowledge and through long years of esoteric practice he developed extraordinary faculties that eventually transformed him into a spiritual guide who is greatly renowned worldwide.

Aware of the future that awaits us, he devoted himself to teaching humanity the formulas to achieve their own spiritual regeneration. Thus, from the 70s and always in an altruistic and unselfish way he began a tireless task of publicly teaching the true wisdom through lectures, courses and congresses at international level.

In 1998 he wrote “Hercolubus or Red Planet”. Based on his direct and conscious experience, V.M. Rabolu describes the terrible events that will happen on our planet in the short term and explains the path that the human being can follow in order to achieve a deep transformation. Nowadays, the statements contained in his work are recognized by a great number of readers who have benefited from his teachings in more than 80 countries.

“I am not a fear-monger; I am a human being who is warning about what is coming and is going to happen”.

V.M. Rabolu

V.M. Rabolu was one of those scarce people with Awakened Consciousness. His teachings are essential in these times when materialism and lack of values have become distinct signs of a society that is more and more lost.


In this section, you can listen to V.M. Rabolu pronouncing the mantras for the astral projection, in order for you to know the proper pronunciation.



Collaborate with the AlcYone Association

The Alcyone Association is a legally constituted organization. As a non-profit organization, all its activities are performed altruistically without any type of financial gain.

The Alcyone Association acts as agent-collaborator for Mr Angel Prats, publisher of the book ‘Hercolubus or Red Planet’; therefore its only aim is the international dissemination and distribution of that book. For such reason, the main activity of the Alcyone Association consists in sending free copies of the book to any place worldwide in an attempt to distribute that work and its universal message to any interested person without distinctions.

So far, the distribution campaign has allowed hundreds of thousands of readers to receive a free copy of the book “Hercolubus or Red planet”. At present and day after day the number of requests is continuously growing. Due to this great success, we have set ourselves the goal of continuing with this distribution campaign.

Due to the large number of orders, we currently ship the book in print or electronic format, depending on availability.

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If you wish to contact our Association or if you are interested in collaborating with the book publisher regarding the dissemination of V.M. Rabolu’s book and message, or if you wish to maintain a stronger communication and cooperation with us, you can write to any of the following addresses:

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Alcyone Association
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Alcyone Association